The Dixie & Co. is an amazing live band, consisting of 5 members coming all from different musical experiences. It was born to play jazz, Dixieland mostly.
Their goal is to recreate the atmosphere and the style of dixieland bands of the early '900, also by wearing typical clothing and by adding the right attitude to the music.
Dixieland style was born in America right at that time, to be precise in New Orleans.
Around 1900 something dramatic happened in New Orleans, a new music emerged which developed to an influential peak with the Hot 5 & Hot 7 recordings of Louis Armstrong. This was amazing music with an instant and lasting appeal.
They are simply “the event” inside the wedding itself... great entertainment is guaranteed!!!
Dixie & Co. : Diego Maria Manzo - Drummer/ Giuseppe Mazzolini - Double bass/ Paolo Morese - Piano and Piano accordion/ Ermanno Ferrara - Alto saxophone and soprano/ Federico Lazzari - Trumpet and Tuba